Itemlist in config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dram, Mar 26, 2015.

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    Could you show me an example to keep ItemList in configuration file?

    I mean ID:TYPE, count

    Of course I can make arrays
    But there is no other better option ?
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    @dram you can make a configuration manager class to load it from the list of strings and parse ids, datavalues ect.
    The other, better way is to use a configurationSection as so:

    ......itemname: name
    ......itemData: data
    and so on...
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    If your wanting a list of items in config with a percentage, i usually use this method,

    - 'ID:dataValue:rare'

    the rare works with an arrayList. for example the 'rare' is 10.
    that item will be added to the arrayList 10 times.
    then a random item will be picked from that arrayList.
    the way it works:

                for (String items : Main.getInstance().getConfig().getStringList("Items")) {
                    String[] str = items.split(":");
                    int rare = Integer.parseInt(str[2]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < rare; i++) {
                        itemsList.add(str[0] + ":" + str[1]);
    then you can get the item id/value with this,

                    Random random = new Random();
                    int r = random.nextInt(itemsList.size());
                    String[] choice = itemsList.get(r).split(":");
                    player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(choice[0]), 1, Short.parseShort(choice[1])));
    dram likes this.
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