Solved Increasing Integer in scheduler

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hex_27, May 27, 2015.

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    int i = count;
    new BukkitRunnable(){
                       public void run(){
                       }.runTaskTimer(this, 0L, 40L);
    This doesn't seem to work. I basically need to count the times the repeating task has ran, and use it in the repeating task it self.
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    @Hex_27 and count = ? You need to assigne an umber to i if you want increase the value
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    @caderape what? What I'm trying to do now is to increase "i" everytime it repeats the task
  4. @Hex_27 I don't think you really know how anonymous classes work - it's just the same as any class, in that you can use fields. Don't picture the "BukkitRunnable" as being inside your method, program it as if it was completely separate.
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    @AdamQpzm So I need a public variable in the surrounding class?
  6. @Hex_27 You need a private variable inside the BukkitRunnable - remember it's a normal class. No need for public, and no reason it shouldn't be a field.
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    So is this solved? Please mark it as so.
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