Solved How to "Handle Reloads"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ambamore2000, Dec 23, 2013.

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    I already know how to do that "Hello World" crap.
    Forget this shit, I'm leaving. I'm asking other people to help.
  2. Offline


    First of all, that tutorial is giving an example under certain circumstances. Did you even read the entire thing before you tried to copy that code in? Anyway, first of all go learn Java. If that's too hard, go learn Lua, then learn Java. People tried to explain to you that you need to learn Java and you ignored them, continuing to try to get them to give you code that they can't even give you because I don't even think you realize what you're asking for. Apparently people repeatedly telling you to learn Java first lead to this:

    Great, the people trying to help you (despite what you apparently thing) are now "bitches". People continue to try to help you and when they tell you to learn a language you apparently insist that you already know "XML and YML". Those are not programming languages, those are not even languages. They're file markup, and I question whether you even know them seeing as you don't even know they're not programming languages. Just for your own future reference, HTML and CSS are also not programming languages. Anyway, when people try to explain to you that these things are not languages and even give more suggestions (somehow, I wouldn't have bothered, but I guess people are nicer than I am) you insist you already know how to do it and decide to leave. Now, for one, I doubt you actually do, seeing as you're blindly copy-pasting from the plugin tutorial without even reading anything on the page. You probably copy-pasted the "Hello World crap" without reading anything about that either. But assuming you do, that doesn't mean you should be even more rude. And good luck finding anybody else to help you, seeing as you don't really have any idea what you're asking for help with.
    Caprei and spoljo666 like this.
  3. Offline


    Many of us here are willing to teach (or help) you, you just have to be willing to learn. What exactly do you want to do? We could probably link you to tutorials.
  4. Offline


    Wow. Well, good luck! Maybe come back in a couple years, after you've grown up a bit and learned some manners and respect.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, how 'bout learn to HELP correctly.
  6. Offline


    What do you need help with? I can help you with what you need and provide some examples to you.
  7. Offline


    Do you have skype?
    I recommened using Skype.
  8. Offline


    Ambamore2000 It would probably be better to do it here - because then other people (excluding those who have commented) could come and help you.
  9. Offline


    It's not to call, it's just to chat. Also, if I figure out, I'd post it here. (If you have paypal, I'll pay you for tutoring me)
  10. Offline


    Ambamore2000 Paying isn't allowed on this forums. But, show us what you need help with, and the code you currently got and then we can work it out from there.
  11. Offline


    :\ Idk, 'cause I don't get like... everything. ;3
  12. Offline


    Ambamore2000 What kind of plugin are you trying to make? What do you need the "Handling reloads" for?
  13. Offline


    No, I didn't understand how to, I understand how to now, I just don't understand how to like... format stuff.
  14. Offline


    Ambamore2000 hmmm, have you checked out theNewBoston? If you have, try out theBCBroz. TheNewBoston helps you with learning the basics of Java, and theBCBroz will teach you a bit about the Bukkit API. I am not quite sure what you want with "Handling Reloads". It isn't generally needed unless you are tracking something with all bukkit players(Or something like that). If you are making a message or even a tp command, the section wouldn't be needed.
  15. Offline


    :/ It's pretty different from the way I'm doing.
  16. Offline



    I don't know how many times it has to be said, but for the love of God just learn Java before working with 3rd Party API's such as Bukkit. Seriously, it'll make your life, and our life, much easier. You talk about learning XML and YML, but to be redundant as others have mentioned this, XML and YML are forms of markup and have no correlation with something as complex as OOP. Please learn the syntax. There are some great ways to learn Java, as you can view here.
    If you take the time to learn the Java fundamentals fully, the Bukkit Wiki on making plugins will be like taking candy from a baby. You make your life so much more difficult by jumping into Bukkit head first.
    Please, just stop being so rude to people that are consistently trying to help you, as the answer has been given to you over 20 times.

    EDIT: jimuskin
    I personally prefer pogostick29's videos might be better as he is more efficient in his code than thebcbroz as well as more updated. No offense to thebcbroz though, some of his videos are pretty cool. The OP already mentioned watching thenewboston a bunch
  17. Offline


    AoH_Ruthless Be nice, you were at his stage once -_-

    Ambamore2000 You still haven't really explained what you are doing. Could you tell me a bit more about the plugin you are making?
  18. Offline


    You have a valid point, there.
  19. Offline


    By the time you know enough to be immune to the bad practices used by TheBcBroz you won't need tutorials anymore. Watch PogoStick29 's tutorials.
    PogoStick29 likes this.
  20. Offline


    Garris0n True, but they are good to get people started on the basics of the bukkit API. I wouldn't use them now, but to do the simple things like sending a message or healing a player, I find them ok.
  21. Offline


    Yeah. The point of the beginner. ;3
    I'm trying to make a PVP plugin thing.
    Make it so chests are infinite (If I put a sign on it saying [Infinite])
    Make it so you can have 4 savekit/loadkit (Savekit is [Save] Loadkit is [Load])
    That's it. ;3
  22. Offline


    Ambamore2000 I wouldn't Handle Reloads for that. There's no point.
  23. Offline


    Okay, but... I still need help!
  24. Offline


    I'm pretty sure most of us would be nice if the OP was also being nice. Throwing rude comments and ignoring our posts won't exactly make us want to be friendly people (Just sayin)
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  27. Offline


    xTigerRebornx True, but we are here to support, not to put down. Yes, he has said some bad things but

    These sort of posts would make the OP pretty mad...
    NathanWolf likes this.
  28. Offline


    OP has ignored instructions to learn the language first. OP has absolutely no idea what he's doing and we can't sit here and teach him the entirety of Java while spews rude things at us.
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  30. Offline


    @Ambamore2000 So you having trouble with where you need to write the code? And creating methods and stuff?

    @Garris0n I can accept that, if you don't want to help, then don't help. But as we are supposed to do, I am going to help this person out until his question is solved - no matter how rude he is because in the end, it feels good to have some something for someone.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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