Solved Help with sending a message to a player using Schedulers.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by _hunter, Mar 25, 2015.

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    Hello Bukkit Community!

    I am trying to make a plugin where it sends a message to the player every three seconds, and I need help figuring out how to get the player when I'm not using an event or a command. Sorry if this is sort of a newbish question. I just started learning bukkit again. : )

    Here is a paste of the code I have currently. I will appreciate any help I can get here, even if it doesn't work in the situation I have.
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    @_hunter use a for loop with Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() and then you get every player on the server

    EDIT: in Java 8 you can do Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(Player::sendMessage(""));
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    @_hunter @Funergy pretty much solved your thread, I want to recommend the use of a simple for loop to send the empty messages (in order to clear chat) to skip 6 lines.
    Edit: it would be more efficient sending a message with \n 's instead of multiple messages.
    _hunter likes this.
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    Sorry for my late reply. I am now getting errors on my endings for my events and class. upload_2015-3-25_20-7-25.png
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    You're missing a bracket somewhere I assume its a closing one (not sure, image won't fully load...) also another thing I noticed, don't cast sender to Player without checking, it is the best way for huge errors. See my signature for more info :- )
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    I'm going to attempt to clean up the code alot and see where I can get with this. For now, my plugin is busted...
  7. Offline


    @_hunter Why is this thread marked as solved? Is it?
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    @nverdier Well he got the answer for his question. So its solved
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    Well his plugin isn't really fixed... :p
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    I fixed it. I wasn't putting the code in the onEnable()... Silly me. Thank you for all the support! : )
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