Help on AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by neriodev, Jul 2, 2015.

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    public void joinBan(AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent e) {
    Player p = (Player) e.getName();
    if(Main.getPlugin().getConfig().getBoolean("Players. " + p.getUniqueId().toString() + ".Ban", true)) {
    e.disallow(Result.KICK_BANNED, ChatColor.RED + "You're BANNED");;

    How can I get the entity in this event?
  2. Offline


    The entity doesn't exist yet, because the player hasn't fully logged in. So in other terms, you can't.
  3. Offline


    @neriodev You can pretty much do the same exact thing with PlayerLoginEvent, which has event.getPlayer()
    Then you just event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, "§cYou are banned");
  4. Offline


    @neriodev You can use OfflinePlayer op = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(e.getName());
    Also, you can't cast player to a string, use the Bukkit.getPlayer() methods
  5. Offline


    Use PlayerLoginEvent
    PlayerLoginEvent has a method called getPlayer() and from there you can grab the player's UUID

    Also, don't cast a String to a Player
    won't work
  6. Offline


    In minecraft, When he pre-logs in that means he attempts to and he is not a player YET, pre-logging in mean loading up your files, and Logging in means that he is a player now. And you can only execute codes at him when he is a player.
  7. Offline


    Thanks its works

    Thanks for the opinion, but i used with PlayerLoginEvent

    Thanks for the opinion, its works but i used PlayerLoginEvent

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
  8. @neriodev
    Instead of making 3 posts, make 1 containing everything instead...
  9. Offline


    @neriodev As a little note, AsyncPlayerPreLogin has a getUniqueId method
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