Problem/Bug Groupmanager/PEX Prefixes.. help please

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by lethalpro, Jul 25, 2015.

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    Okay so here is a quick background history on my journey with this. So i've been trying to fix this (with online tutorials and such) for about 2 days now. I can't get it to work at all. Im on craftbukkit 1.8.7. I want to have rank prefixes. PEX works great for giving permissions. The default rank has all the permissions i set working. But the prefix doesn't show up (on any of the ranks). So i tried groupmanager since i have essentials installed. Not sure if the perms worked with it but all that matters is that i couldn't get the prefix to work. I've tried EssentialsChat and ChatManager. And yes i delete the other when i try the one. I did the removing of "#" in essentials config files that are listed online to change.

    Essentials Chat or ChatManager (one at a time)
    World Guard
    World Edit
    Group Manager/PEX (one at a time)

    I tried installing Vault and it gave me a prefix but it wasnt the one used in my PEX config. it was "Rookies". It also messed up all my permissions besides Towny. Without vault towny doesn't seem to work.

    It's all really confusing and I'd love some guidance. I can't list the config files right now since im on vacation with limited internet access. I am tech savvy but this is kicking my butt.

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    Hey, if you drop me a PM ill help you for sure, im good with Group Manager so i can sort that for you..
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    Just use PEX. Groupmanager is a waste of time.

    He prefix has to be under "options"

    Here is an example from github:
      prefix: '&0(&4Admin&0)&7 '
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