Solved Getting the last player in an ArrayList

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Xyplo, Jul 6, 2014.

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    I need to get the ONLY player that is inside of an ArrayList. The catch is that I need to cast a player to the only player that is in that ArrayList. Perhaps my code can explain better..

    if(Lists.gamePlayers.size() == 1)
                Player pWhoWon = (Player) Lists.gamePlayers.; //So this is where I'm confused..
                Bukkit.broadcastMessage(pr.prefix1 + ChatColor.AQUA + "Deathmatch has ended! The winner was: " + ChatColor.GOLD + pWhoWon.getName());
            } else Bukkit.broadcastMessage("I don't know what to do: " + Lists.gamePlayers.size()); // Ignore this, it's for when I add a draw system.
    Basically, how can I cast a player to the last player in an ArrayList?
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    If there's only one player in the list:

    1. Player p = Lists.gamePlayers.iterator().next();

    If you need the last one on a type of arraylist:

    1. Player p = Lists.gamePlayers.get(Lists.gamePlayers.size() - 1);

    No idea what or why you're casting though.
  3. This should do it:
    if(Lists.gamePlayers.size() == 1)


    Player pWhoWon = (Player) Lists.gamePlayers.get(0); //So this is where I'm confused.. //Just get the first player. The index is 0

    Bukkit.broadcastMessage(pr.prefix1 + ChatColor.AQUA + "Deathmatch has ended! The winner was: " + ChatColor.GOLD + pWhoWon.getName());

    } else Bukkit.broadcastMessage("I don't know what to do: " + Lists.gamePlayers.size()); // Ignore this, it's for when I add a draw system.
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    1Rogue Thanks, it worked fine!
    I'm basically getting the player who won in my SurvivalGames plugin. Every player is in an arraylist and taken out when they quit/die. I also have no idea why I was casting XD

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