
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jason!, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    I started using GAListener, and it says when someone tries to vote "Default service not found in your config." Here's my config, lemme know what I did wrong.

    #  GAListener v1.3.1
    #  settings section
    #  onlineonly - Only delivers rewards when the player is online.  If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    #  luckyvote - Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote.
    #  permvote - Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions.
    #  cumulative - Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes.
    #  broadcastqueue - Show broadcast message for queued votes.
    #  broadcastoffline - Show broadcast message for offline queued votes.
    #  broadcastrecent - Show broadcast message to recent voters (last 24 hours)
    #  votecommand - Enables the /vote command which will show the message contained in the votemessage section at the bottom of the config.
    #  rewardcommand - Enables the /rewards command which will show a list of all the cumulative voting rewards.
    #  joinmessage - Show the message contained in the joinmessage section at the bottom of this config when a player joins the server.
    #  voteremind - Message players who haven't voted in the last 24 hours. Shows the message contained in the remindmessage section at the bottom of this config.
    #  remindseconds - How often (in seconds) between each reminder message.
    #  ratelimit - Ignore votes received within this many seconds since the last vote for the same player on the same site.  This should prevent duplicate votes.
    #  logfile - Log received votes to vote.log file.
    #  dbMode - Database mode. Use either mysql or sqlite.
    #  dbFile - Database filename for SQLite.
    #  dbHost - Database IP / Hostname for MySQL.
    #  dbPort - Database port for MySQL.
    #  dbUser - Database username for MySQL.
    #  dbPass - Database password for MySQL.
    #  dbName - Database name for MySQL.
    #  dbPrefix - Database table prefix.
      onlineonly: true
      luckyvote: true
      permvote: false
      cumulative: true
      broadcastqueue: true
      broadcastrecent: true
      broadcastoffline: false
      votecommand: false
      rewardcommand: false
      joinmessage: false
      voteremind: true
      remindseconds: 21600
      ratelimit: 10
      logfile: false
      dbMode: 'sqlite'
      dbFile: 'GAL.db'
      dbHost: 'localhost'
      dbPort: 3306
      dbUser: 'root'
      dbPass: ''
      dbName: 'GAL'
      dbPrefix: ''
    #  services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
    #  The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote.
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {BLUE}and received $350, and some EXP!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}Thanks for voting. Vote again in 24 hours for more rewards.'
        - '/eco give {username} 350'
        - '/xp give {username} 100'
    #  luckyvotes section
    #  The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $1000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $1000 and 100XP.
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}lucky {BLUE}and received an extra $500!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were lucky and received an extra $500!'
        - '/eco give {username} 500'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}lucky {BLUE}and received an extra $1000!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were lucky and received an extra $1000!'
        - '/eco give {username} 1000'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}lucky {BLUE}and received 3 creeper eggs!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were lucky and received 3 creeper eggs!'
        - '/give {username} 383:50 3'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}very lucky {BLUE}and received an extra $2000, some more EXP, and some golden apples!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were very lucky and received an extra items!'
        - '/xp give {username} 100'
        - '/eco give {username} 2000'
        - '/give {username} 322:1 4'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}super lucky {BLUE}and received a Protection 3 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were very lucky and received an extra items!'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:3'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} was {RED}SUPER lucky {BLUE}and received a Protection 4 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You were very lucky and received an extra items!'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:4'
    #  permission reward section
    #  This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward.
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
        - '/give {username} 264 10'
    #  cumulative reward section
    #  This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes.
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted a total of {GREEN}15 times {BLUE}and received EXP, TNT, Golden Appleas, and $2000!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 15 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/eco give {username} 2000'
        - '/xp give {username} 100'
        - '/give {username} 46 16'
        - '/give {username} 322:1 16'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted a total of {GREEN}100 times {BLUE}and received a Protection 1 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 100 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:1'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:1'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:1'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:1'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted a total of {GREEN}200 times {BLUE}and received a Protection 2 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 200 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:2'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:2'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:2'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:2'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted a total of {GREEN}300 times {BLUE}and received a Protection 3 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 300 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:3'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:3'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}{username} has voted a total of {GREEN}400 times {BLUE}and received a Protection 4 diamond suit!'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 400 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:4'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:4'
        broadcast: '{BLUE}Holy freakin' crap, {username} has voted a total of {GREEN}5000 TIMES! {BLUE}and received a Protection 10 diamond suit for their votes.'
        playermessage: '{BLUE}You've shown a lot of dedication to have voted 400 times, enjoy.'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 310 1 Protection:10'
        - '/give {username} 311 1 Protection:10'
        - '/give {username} 312 1 Protection:10'
        - '/give {username} 313 1 Protection:10'
        - '/eco give {username} 200000'
        - '/give {username} 46 64'
        - '/give {username} 322:1 64'
        - '/pex user {username} group set Gold'
    #  blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world.
    - world_blocked
    #  Available formatting codes for messages:
    #  {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
    #  {username} {player} {name} = player username
    #  {votes} = current vote total
    #  & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes
    - '{BLUE}Vote for us every day for in game rewards and extras'
    - '{BLUE}You currently have voted {GREEN}{votes} times'
    - '{BLUE}This is just a reminder letting you know that you may now vote again!
    - '{BLUE}Vote for us every day for in game rewards and extras'
    - '{BLUE}You currently have voted {GREEN}{votes} times'
    #  Additional formatting codes for below:
    #  {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards
    #  {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards
    #  {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop
    #  {username} = player name - used for /votetop
    rewardformat: '{GREEN}{TOTAL} Votes {GRAY}- {AQUA}{REWARD}'
    votetopformat: '{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}'
    - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Rewards{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
    - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Top Voters{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
    Still need help.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Offline


    On the "service" section, change the text "default" to your voting website link.
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