Falling Sand?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by B3N909, Jun 26, 2015.

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    Hello. Is there a way to create a falling sand entity that looks like a block follow a position? Say for example can I have a group of falling sand entities that look like cobblestone follow a minecart? Thanks!
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    @B3N909 When you say falling sand entities, do you mean like the little blocks that sit on the ground when you break a block, until you pick it up? Or do you mean the literal full size sand block as its falling due to gravity?
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    @wesley27 The Full size falling ones, you always see the command-blockers using them and somehow re texturing them. They can also make they get stuck in gravity. Can you do this with code?
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    @B3N909 I'm assuming you know what particle trails are, that many people make? I believe that you could do something like that, however using the FallingSand entity instead. As to making it follow a minecart, you could use getLocation() and spawn the falling sand at the minecart's location every 5 ticks or so.
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    @wesley27 Thats actually a really resource intensive operation.

    @B3N909 Are you meaning the circles that people make?
    If yes I thought SetBling has made a video about it.
    You make the minecart invisible and the passenger is the falling sand entity.
    and then move the minecart with vectors.
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