Event question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheFl4me, Mar 2, 2015.

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    Is there a event wich activates whenever a player is given a rank?

    Because i am using 2 plugins (PEX and my custom coded tag plugin wich gives certain groups with a certian permission a tab and chat name color and they can if they have the permission change there name color with /tag <groupname>)

    but whenever i change a players group it (obviously) wont "auto" update there name color, they have to manually change their name with /tag or relog.

    This is not such a big issue its just a question out of pure curiosity :3
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    Maybe PEX has such events, but you will have to ask those devs. Bukkit does not offer such events.
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    @TheFl4me If it's your own plugin why don't you handle that?
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    Thanks, thats all i needed to know :)
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    @TheFl4me Doubtful, but you can just write your own wrapper commands and invoke a method when necessary.
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