Development Team/Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PhoenixMCGaming, Jun 14, 2014.

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    Hello, I am PhoenixMCGaming, and I need some help. I have a somewhat small development team and we are trying to make a plugin, but we can't get eclipse or java or anything to work. Any suggestions? Please help us out!
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    PhoenixMCGaming What do you mean you can't get anything to work? What's wrong? What happens when you try to get them working? What are you having trouble with specifically?

    You need to provide more information so we Can help you. Thanks.
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    It doesn't sound like your "development team" are very experienced in Java. Installing Eclipse, opening it and creating a new project should not be an obstacle, and in any case this isn't a problem for the Bukkit help forum.
  4. You are a "developer" with a "development team" and you cannot get eclipse to work? hmm..

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    jthort Whenever I install eclipse and the latest java client, it says something about not finding java se runtime or something. I probably sound like a noob, and I am, I'm new to coding and could use some help.

    Well, considering my dev. team so far consists of 3 people and counting, I am also the only coder, and I suck. But everything has a beginning.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
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    Have you downloaded the Java SE from the website and/or the Java JDK?
  7. A "development team", 3 people, only 1 can "develop" plugins, and you apparently suck? Try joining a more experience development team or learning more java before creating your own :p
    LordVakar likes this.
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    tylerthecreeper1 I think you have the wrong impression of a development team.

    Just because a group of people who code aren't good or don't know a specific language that well doesn't mean that they can't have a dev team. They are a group of people who learn how to program and design minecraft plugins. I don't know about what your thinking of, but thats a development team.

    I remember when I first started I had trouble getting eclipse set up, does that mean that I suck too? No I'm just inexperienced. Does the fact that kids will walk out in the middle of the street without looking both ways make them stupid? No they are just inexperienced.

    Obviously this has already been established with the fact that he doesn't know as much java as most developers, do you really need to point that out again and throw it in his face? Come on leave the guy alone
    TheWolfBadger likes this.
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    Key point being:


    I'd recommend steering clear of eclipse entirely.

    You'll need a Java Development Kit (JDK) (not java runtime or the browser extension), as well as a different IDE such as netbeans or intellij.
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    1Rogue Why the hate on Eclipse?
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    TheWolfBadger #KeepItOnTopic :p
    If you have reasons as to why you think Eclipse is bad, go post them in off-topic
    TheWolfBadger likes this.
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    Saying somebody "sucks" at something is saying they are bad at it. Saying somebody is "inexperienced" with something also often means they are bad at it. So, yes, I am going to assume that right when you were starting out, you "sucked" at programming. And when you were learning to walk as a toddler, you "sucked" at staying balanced and putting one foot in front of the other in an attempt at a method of locomotion far superior to crawling.

    Because it sucks. I mean, uh, it's inexperienced at being a good IDE.
  14. Offline


    Because it's the IDE equivalent of a pile of barf.

    For one, I wouldn't recommend eclipse as an IDE for a beginner, intermediate, advanced, your grandmother, or your grandmother's grandmother. It is simply an awful IDE.

    Something else I should mention:
    Need a C/C++ IDE?: Netbeans
    Need a Python IDE?: Netbeans
    Need a Groovy/Pascal/Scripting IDE?: Netbeans
    Need a Webdev IDE (javascript, php, css, html, and MORE?)?: Netbeans

    Netbeans has numerous support for a variety of languages, plugins that don't suck (eclipse), and is overall a better IDE.

    The only things outside of netbeans that I would recommend would be:

    Jetbrains IDEs (IntelliJ, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, etc) - Very good language-specific support
    Sublime Text / Github Atom / vim - If not using an IDE at all
    Codeblocks - C++

    If you work with many languages, netbeans is a god-send. Did I mention that it has native git, subversion, mercurial, CVS, and maven integration? Thought I forgot something.

    Eclipse is an industry standard and often introduced to beginners and it really shouldn't be. Even if you choose not to use Netbeans, I wouldn't ever recommend Eclipse to anyone.
    TheWolfBadger and Garris0n like this.
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    1Rogue Excuse me while I go and switch over to Netbeans
    *walks away*
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    Garris0n I'm saying inexperienced rather than sucked because first of all it's better than straight out saying it and in life going around saying people suck doesn't sound professional and will not get you far.

    Another reason is that he could have the potential to be a great programmer but not have the experience yet. You can't say he sucks at programming if he never tried it before.

    I will stand up for eclipse!
  17. Offline


    Yes you can...?
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    I see it a different way, in my opinion you should give someone a chance before you tell them they suck. I like to give people a chance before shutting them down

    Edit: I will stand up for eclipse!
  19. Offline


    I'm not saying telling somebody they "suck" at something is good or that saying "you suck" is a good, mature, or professional thing to do. It's an informal and negative way to tell somebody they are not good at something, which, while not a nice thing to do, is not incorrect.

    And there is no standing up for Eclipse. I don't think there's a single valid argument that Eclipse is a good IDE compared to its competitors, except maybe that it's simpler. I've never used Netbeans, however, so that could be just as simple.
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    jthort Thanks for giving me a chance. I am very "inexperienced" at coding, as I have only just started. I do believe I could be a great coder, once I put the time and effort into learning the language. You are probably the first person who has agreed with me.

    tylerthecreeper1 Well, first of all, my development team doesn't just code, we build. We make the maps and lobbies that will be implemented into the plugin that will be our final project. So I think I will ignore that advice, as I like the people that I work with.

    And anyone who came from spigot, thanks for all of the off-topic crap u gave me. I'll remember never to go back there for help again. ( tylerthecreeper1 )

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
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    Why would you ask for advice or suggestions in your original post if you are going to hate on advice you don't agree with? You have to be more open-minded to possibilities as a developer. Maybe he was a bit harsh, but life isn't soft and full of butterflies (that'd be sweet). It's great that you are resilient (something a developer should also be) but you have to face that you really aren't qualified to be in a development team just yet. Maybe one day, but that day isn't today.
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    Garris0n I
    I didn't mean that directly towards you and if you took it that way I didn't mean it. I was just clarifying my argument and meant no offence

    I've always used eclipse so I'm guessing that's why I like it so much, it was more of a joke rather than a serious argument. I've never used anything other than netbeans and eclipse so I can't compare. After using netbeans a bit more I'm starting to lean towards it but for now...I still like eclipse.
    Garris0n likes this.
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    I just did and I think its working. I had tried to get the JRE instead of the JDK

    Maybe you're right. I honestly don't know if I'm ready to be on a team, but I want to code, first of all because I love it, second of all, because I have a LOT of free time, and third, I want to make something that will entertain people so they aren't sitting at their computers thinking, "There's not anything fun to play anymore, I think I'm done."

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
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    I recommend trying IntelliJ as well. It's a bit more "complicated" to understand than Eclipse at first, but it's far better.
    jthort likes this.
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    And I only wish life was soft and full of butterflies. That would be great for everyone.
  26. Offline


    If I might add something into here, maybe you should learn Java before you join a bukkit API development team, I understand that it's exciting and you want to learn bukkit API, but that's not something you can just jump right into, especially on a development team, I suggest learning java first, also I suggest using IntelliJ overall it's a great IDE.
  27. Offline


    Garris0n What specific advantages does intellij have because I am looking to switch
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    Onlineids I would personally say eclipse, but if all these guys disagree I would go with Intelj or whatever the hell it's called :)
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    jthort I meant to say intellij :3 im using eclipse currently
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    Here's a google result I got. Not a bad explanation :p
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