Customise Weapons

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Hergarian, Oct 20, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: CraftMyWeapon

    What I want: Seeking a plugin that allows players to assemble their weapon itself (add-on for Crackshot). Like for example for $ 1,000 to build a night vision device on it or extend the ammunition capacity. It should work with a GUI. I do not need to specify any weapon with crack shot, because there is too much else.

    Ideas for commands: /craftmyweapon or something

    Ideas for permissions: craftmyweapon.modules.X (maximum number of installable modules)

    When I'd like it by: A month or earlier if possible. I don't mind waiting :)

    Thanks for taking your time to read!
    Sorry for Google Translate (I'm German)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Hergarian 2 things.
    1. Not sure if CrackShot allows weapon createment in runtime.
    2. You haven't listed any modules you want. Without those nobody will be able to make this.
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    The modules I need: Munitions enlargement, night vision, Muffler, attack speed, controllability, accuracy, and if it's possible effects.

    It can also be a completely separate plugin for the weapons, but I think it would be easier to have access to the Crackshot folder. So that the Plugin build seperate Weapons for each user. Each user must not have more than one weapon.
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    I believe the '/shot config reload' command could be used.
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    It can also be a plugin that just create for each user a simple weapon in the deafault weapon file. The properties of the weapon can get changed by commands like "/craftmyweapon set damage:10" or "/cmw set shootduration:4". The GUI is not the problem. I can use Chestcommands.

    Sorry again for my terrible english.
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