Cool Downs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BashyDaBest, Jan 21, 2015.

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    I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how I can use cool downs. You can also just link me to a video/website that explains it.
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    It kinda depends on what you wanna you should us what you've tried.
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    What I do is create a HashMap for a given player (using their UUID, not the player instance) and set its value to the current time plus the cooldown you want to apply. To check if that player is still in cooldown, check to see if the current time is greater than the cooldown you set.
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    I use this class I made:
    You put an instance of that in a HashMap with the player's UUID as the key, and then to check if its done, just do

     if (map.get(player.getUniqueId()).done()) {
    I also made a method to quickly get the time remaining, so if the cooldown is not done, use
    and stop the code right there.
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    Okay thanks, I'll try them out.
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