Clickable text in book

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Elimnator, Apr 24, 2015.

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    It it possible to have a click-able link/text in a book that runs a command?

    I know it can be done in the chat, but is there a way to put it in books?

    I know how to do this via command, but how can I do it via code?

    /give @a minecraft:written_book 1 0 {
    value:\"/say Clicked.\"
    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
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    @Elimnator not sure flit it is possible but you can try fanciful library designed for that and mabe find a way but i dought it is possible
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    @Elimnator you can try getting the open book by the player and getting the text and put it in a player interact event
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    What? I do not understand what you are saying?
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    Hmm... It's kinda possible, you can modify the library or make that by the easy way.
    Let's transform your knowledge to your advantage... You know the commands right? Let's imagine this situation: you want to give the magic book to a player who joined the server by the PlayerJoinEvent, why you don't make the console send the command? If you know how to use the command it stays simple to create a book with the command you know runned by console like you did up ^^! :D

    Sorry for my bad English that's because I am Brazilian, but I might you understood what I said! Good luck! ;)
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