Chat Event

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AeroLiquid, Oct 5, 2015.

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    Hey all, in my recent post it can be seen that the format event doesn't seem to be working. But after fixing things, it seems to be that only the player colors entered for the displayname doesn't seem to be working: they all seem to default to &7. Example:
    Owner: (gray)Aero >> (in yellow)Heyo!
    Default: (gray)Aero >> (in gray)Heyo!

    Can anyone help fix?
    public void onPlayerChat(PlayerChatEvent e) {
    Player player e.getPlayer();
            if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§7%1$s » %2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§7" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§7" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§a%1$s §f» %2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§a" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§a" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§6%1$s §f» %2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§6" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§6" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§9§o%1$s §f» §3%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§9§o" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§9§o" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§d%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§d" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§d" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§5%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§5" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§5" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§5§o%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§5§o" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§5§o" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§b§o%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§b§o" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§b§o" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("")) {
    e.setFormat("§c%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§c" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§c" player.getDisplayName());
            } else if (
    player.hasPermission("") || player.isOp()
    player.hasPermission("*")) {
    e.setFormat("§4%1$s §f» §e%2$s");
    player.setDisplayName("§4" player.getDisplayName());
    player.setPlayerListName("§4" player.getDisplayName());
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @AeroLiquid What colors entered? Like somebody chats this:
    If so: you need to translate that as well so it will use the colors.
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    @timtower I've already got an event that removes any colours used in chat
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @AeroLiquid But what is the issue then? Because that isn't very clear to me.
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    Reread my first comment again: whenever someone with the appropriate permission chats, the display name of player automatically converts to &7, but the message the player says is as specified. So let's say I'm a dev of the server and I chat, I am supposed to receive the display name of "&b&o" but instead I get &7 - the default. That is the issue I need to be fixed.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @AeroLiquid Do you happen to have the permission ?
    If so: there is your issue.
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    @timtower yes I do. I've also cancelled out the permissions that the group doesn't need e.g - -pbasic.default in Each group (besides Default of course)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @AeroLiquid Then there is your issue.
    It finds that permissions, and because you are using else if it won't even check the other permissions.
    That is why you are getting the normal format.
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    Alright I understand what you are saying but how would I change to a recognised format?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @AeroLiquid Remove the permission nodes from the chat formats that you don''t want.
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