Can't connect server in no-ip

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hanif_fh, May 13, 2013.

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    I have a host in, the host is I have portforwarded my router, and I have tried these ways:
    1. I don't set the IP address in file. I can connect the server by typing localhost in Minecraft, but I can't connect the server by typing my IP address.
    2. I type my IP address (from No-IP DUC) in file, but when I try to start the server, it can't connect. The message is: ***FAILED TO BIND TO PORT*** [Warning] Perhaps a server is already running in that port?
    3. I type the host address in file. And the server can't connect with the same message.
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    Leave blank for ip at
    no-ip is dns setup for other users to connect.. not you... you can only use 'localhost' or ur internal ip to connect
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    1) You can only log onto your server locally so using "localhost", "127.0.01" or you Internal Ip/ IPv4 which can be found in CMD with the command ipconfig.
    2) Leave your server-ip= empty , thats is for advance users.
    3) No-ip is a DNS it forwards your external ip which is what other people connect with

    In summary:
    Leave server-ip= blank, log onto your server with "localhost" and give other people your external ip from or your DNS from no-ip
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    How to check the server? Thanks for the information before.
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    Could you rephrase that ? How to check the server??
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    Sorry for that. I mean, how to check that the server is online or offline?
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