Can someone take over the TntTag plugin ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by YhzPoi, Jun 15, 2015.

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    Someone made a tnttag plugin which I love. But this plugin is full of glitches and the plugin owner didn't update for years.
    So please can someone made me a new TNTTag plugin for 1.7.9

    This is the new things that I liked to be added of this new version:

    Very Important: Features which must be on the plugin.
    Fix all trillion of bug and made the plugin compatible with PerWorldPlugin.
    Add the shop because yet the coin has no uses. (you can add things like choose who is the TNT or TNTGuns or Choose if I am the TNT or not)
    Add a region select feature so players which fall in the void get teleported back to the arena center.

    Would better with: Feature that I liked to be on the plugin.
    Add VIP arena feature.
    Possibility of changing the sign displayed.
    Better join sign. (With online,maxplayers,InGame,CountDown,Waiting,VIP...
    Add more command like /tnttag setup setminplayers
    Add Vault money reward feature.
    Players get kicked out the arena on disconnect.
    Gui shop ?
    Custom messages.

    Would be cool: A feature that can be there just for the fun!
    BarApi features ?
    More gamemodes
    Permission to become spectator on death.
    TagApi features ?
    100% customized arena.
    Isolated chat system.
    Change the death effect to a explosion effect (Would be better than just a firework).
    Can customized the ratio of tnt to player.

    I suggest the name TNTTag II or TicTacBoom or TNTBattle...

    If someone makes me this updated plugin I would never ever be able to thanks him enough especially if every features is on.

    I am sorry for my English, I am French.

    I am sorry I don't know anything about coding that's why I ask you.

    Current tnttag plugin
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @YhzPoi Define compatible with PerWorldPlugins. What are the bugs?
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    Firstly, Big thank you to reply. The issue that I get a huge error log and it says in red this is an issue to do with the perworldplug in.

    Attached Files:

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @YhzPoi Enable it in all worlds, use permissions to block access to it.
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    It is already enabled in all word.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @YhzPoi Then remove PerWorldPlugins for a moment, see if the plugin is working then.
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    Tried and the plugin do work. :(
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Offline mode is not supported.
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