Assigning Certain Listeners to Certain Players

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LukesComputers, Apr 27, 2015.

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    Hi I am creating a plugin where listeners have to be assigned to a certain class. I know that a simple solution would be to make a "global" listener class but it would be ineffective for what I am doing. For some reason when I install this on my test server the listeners act as if they are ignored.

    This is my main class:
    public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
        public static Main plugin;
        public void onEnable() {
        public void onDisable() {
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, CommandSender command,
                String commandLabel, String[] args) {
            if (commandLabel.equals("test")) {
                    UniqueListener v = new UniqueListener((Player) sender);
            return false;
    Then my UniqueListener class
    public class UniqueListener implements Listener {
    public UniqueListener(Player player) {
        Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, Main.plugin);
        public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) {
               e.getEntity().sendMessage("Listener is working");
    Now when I install the plugin on my server I can assure that the command works but when a player damages a entity it does not display the message
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    Hey man, register your listener in your OnEnable. Its something like this
    Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(UniqueListener, this);
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    Register your events,
    Use an ArrayList<String> to store the players name check if they are in it to make things only apply for them.
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