Solved Allowing a player to deal damage immediately after being teleported

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by tommyhoogstra, Nov 30, 2015.

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    Recently came across the issue that after using p.teleport(location), that the player that was teleported (not the person attacking the person who teleport) would not be able to deal damage for a fair amount of time (atleast a few seconds)

    I looked into setting noDamageTicks to 0 for all players on the server just to test if it was a simple fix, but apparently not.

    Plugins other than my own:
    Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat

    Any insight would be appreciated, i'm sure I will return the favour some day.
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    It's most likely Essentials that enables the damage teleportation cooldown. Mind checking your Essentials config for teleportation damage?
    tommyhoogstra likes this.
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    Ugh, can't believe i didnt check that first.

    Option was: teleport-invulnerability: 4

    FabeGabeMC likes this.
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