I can't use command blocks!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by JVC_Airtime, Mar 26, 2015.

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    Command blocks are enabled.
    I'm opped.
    And it just says when I input a command block 'You must be a opped player in creative mode'.
    I keep running into lots of problems! I'm getting quite annoyed now...
  2. Offline


    op yourself and go into creative mode xD
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    I said I was opped AND in creative mode...
  4. Offline


    @JVC_Airtime Make sure you don't have a plugin (WorldGuard or EssentialsAntiBuild to name a few) that blocks commandblock usage for ALL players, including ops. If you do, you should be able to re enable it through their config files.
  5. Offline


    I allowed all players to use blocks but it still doesn't work!
  6. Offline


    Check your server.properties and make sure op-permission-level=4. Had this problem on my server for a while too.

    If that doesn't work, list your plugins as a plugin could be affecting it.
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    @JVC_Airtime Make sure in your server.properties file that the op permission level is 4 and make sure you are an op level 4.
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