Plugin Help Factions- spliting factions onto multiple worlds

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by KriticalKing, Jan 28, 2015.

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    Hi, I have the plugin "Factions" and I want to try to split it into different realms.
    For example:
    I want world 1, 2 and 3 to have it's own faction files.
    But when the players are on world a, b and c, I want them to have different factions files.
    Currently I can only get the same faction files to carry over to all my worlds or to be completely disabled on certain worlds.
    Is there a way to make it so if they are on worlds 1-3 that they can have a different faction and etc. than if they are in worlds a-c?
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    @KriticalKing Sorry, but this isn't possible. The best you could do is have three different servers connected with a proxy (BungeeCord/LilyPad), and go from there, but that takes up more memory and more money if you're buying hosting. Simple answer: Not possible.
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    Dang. I saw a server with like 12 realms, they must be spending a heck of a lot on hosting for 12 servers.
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    @KriticalKing Yes, all of the large networks do this. It does cost quite a bit for hosting, but they get so much more in donations. And you can also have a dedicated server for all of your servers.
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