Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 8:32 AM
(76,386 Views / 0 Likes)
In less than a week, the launch event for our favourite game takes place: Minecon! It’s been a really long time but Minecraft will soon be out of beta and will finally reach version 1.0.

The entire Bukkit core team: Dinnerbone, Tahg, Grum and myself will be at Minecon. We’ll have a booth on the floor and we’ll have our very own panel. If you’re going to be at Minecon, come check out our booth and you’ll get to meet us! Since Minecraft v1.0 will be released at Minecon, we’ll be doing a live update to Bukkit at our booth, so come find us and you’ll get to see, first hand, what goes into getting Bukkit ready for a newly released Minecraft update.

We hope to see you there!

Update! Fun stuffs!
During our panel, we'll be doing an open Q&A for people to come ask us anything they like about bukkit or minecraft. However, we realize that a lot of people would like to attend but can't. With this in mind, I'd like to present you all a chance to join in from your very homes.

From now...
by EvilSeph at 3:50 PM
(9,023 Views / 0 Likes)
Our bug tracker, affectionately named Leaky, is currently down due to technical difficulties. The HDD on the server hosting Leaky is having issues. The issue is being worked on but we're not sure how long it will take to get it back up. In the meantime, we'll be investigating our steps forward; looking into an alternative solution or setting up redmine on a server again.

We may have a backup of the database but it is severely outdated. On the bright side, we've been working on cleaning up Leaky anyway, so we may be moving to a different system - possibly GitHub or another self-hosted solution.

We'll keep you posted as we have information. Thank you for your continued support and understanding in this matter.
by EvilSeph at 12:08 PM
(12,058 Views / 0 Likes)
The past few weeks we've been going over each and every piece of feedback you, our community, have provided us on various aspects of the Bukkit project and how we do things. In response to your concerns, we are making a number of changes to address the weaknesses some of you have highlighted for us:

Improving community coverage and approval times
We're looking to bolster our numbers both on the forums and on BukkitDev in order to be able to provide you guys with the quality of service you've come to expect from Bukkit. Our goal is to clean up the community and make the approval delay on BukkitDev a thing of the past and we're prepared to do whatever it takes to make this happen.

Plugin Developers badge system
Due to the move to BukkitDev, managing the Plugin Developers badge system has become cumbersome, difficult and largely impractical. As a result, the Plugin Developers badge system is being frozen until we can decide what would be the best direction to take it....
by Dinnerbone at 5:36 PM
(21,192 Views / 0 Likes)
We have two exciting pieces of news for the Bukkit community today!

First and foremost, we'd like to officially announce that Curse is extending their Author Rewards Program for BukkitDev. What does this mean? This means that soon plugin developers will start earning points for the plugins they upload, which will allow them to earn money or cool swag! We'll give you more details as they come, and let you know when this program goes live.

Our second announcement is regarding Skyrim: Curse.com is giving way $15,000 dollars to modders! The first 35 uploaded Skyrim mods that meet the approval guidelines in each of the four main categories, will earn some phat loot to line the pockets of their authors! Mods must be uploaded to skyrimforge.com by December 15th, and meet all criteria established by Curse moderators. You can find more information here.