Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 11:32 AM
(25,330 Views / 0 Likes)
As you're now all aware, the past month has been an extremely busy one for Bukkit. Not only were we working tirelessly to get a new Recommended Build out, we were also busy getting ready to launch our new download site dl.bukkit.org. With these two things out of the way, we are now one big step closer to providing a better service to the Minecraft community through our project.

Our reasoning behind getting a new Recommended Build out was to bring our server admins that rely on or are locked into our Recommended Builds the latest changes, additions and critical fixes to Bukkit. While the launching of our new download site provides us with the necessary tools to move over to a new, improved release model. One that we feel will better serve the community and give server admins of various levels of skill and dedication the freedom they're looking for when it comes to maintaining their server.

A New...
by EvilSeph at 10:41 AM
(37,437 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Recommended Build (1.1-R4) that fixes bugs present in either Minecraft 1.1 or our previous Recommended Build is now available.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine.

Upgrading to this new Recommended Build is highly recommended as it contains numerous (critical) exploit, crash and bug fixes.

For more detailed information on what is contained in this update, please see the Recommended Build announcement thread here:

Download the latest CraftBukkit RB here
by EvilSeph at 9:03 AM
(173,774 Views / 0 Likes)
As our project has grown, we've noticed areas where we need to work on and have actively been listening to the community in order to improve. When CI began experiencing difficulties keeping up with the heavy load we experience on update days, I saw this as an opportunity to update our distribution model to bring it more in line with the level of quality that the community has grown to expect of us. The fact of the matter is, CI / Jenkins was not designed to be used as a means to distribute our work to non-developers. This is clearly evident the moment you visit the site as it isn't clear what is the latest download and how do you go about getting to it, among other things.

Introducing dl.bukkit.org, our solution specifically designed to provide what CI did and more, wrapped in polish, ease of use and an intuitive setup and efficient enough to handle the high amounts of traffic we regularly see from day to day. I am absolutely proud and honoured to finally be able to unveil what we've been working on the past month or so and hope to explain why our new solution is better suited for the community.

On the surface, dl.bukkit.org, presents you with a landing page that gives you precisely what the average user of our product or prospective users of our product want: a link to the latest download and some helpful links in an attractive design. When designing the landing page, we wanted to appeal to the consumer, rather than the developer. We wanted to provide consumers with a clear indication of where they need to go to get the latest download link and feel we have achieved that with inspiration from Mozilla's Get Firefox page. On top of this, we wanted to provide users with obvious links to answer their most pressing questions so that no one feels lost when trying to get started with Bukkit.

Of course, we've made sure to provide the resources people have come to rely on:
Latest Recommended Build RSS Feed:

Latest Recommended Build download permalink (wget friendly!):

Check out http://dl.bukkit.org and let us know what you think, or read the rest of the article to find out what it has to offer.

Thanks for your continued support and we hope you like our new download site as much as we do! As is the case with anything Bukkit, we intend to actively iterate and work on dl.bukkit.org and value any feedback, comments and constructive criticism you may have.

Read a detailed break down of what DLB provides by clicking here... [...]
by EvilSeph at 12:51 AM
(42,384 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Recommended Build (1.1-R3) that fixes bugs present in either Minecraft 1.1 or our previous Recommended Build is now available.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine.

Important notice for game server providers and other plugins or individuals that are making use of our RB RSS feed:
We're currently in the process of developing a new download site service to replace the unwieldy Jenkins setup we've been using since the project's inception. See our recent announcement here for more information on this initiative. As a result, anyone making use of our old RB RSS feed will need to update their systems accordingly when we have the new system ready. Until then, we're providing a grace period for people to switch over so consider this a heads up....