Bukkit Forums

by EvilSeph at 12:03 AM
(10,143 Views / 0 Likes)
Since the release of Minecraft 1.4 back in October we have switched to a slightly altered release system where we focus more on Beta Builds over Recommended Builds. The purpose of this was to provide people with working, stable builds at a faster pace while we waited on new additions to the API to be completed. Unfortunately, basing our release system on a moving target like the completion state of the API was a big mistake. As a result of making these changes to our release system, we are nearing the release of Minecraft v1.4.6 and we don't have a single Recommended Build in sight. People are now rightfully confused and have inadvertently been lead to believe that we don't have any usable releases for 1.4, leaving them feeling like they are stuck on 1.3.2 when this is not the case.

To alleviate this confusion, we've decided to make a slight change to our release system until we can completely change our naming conventions some time in the new year. Instead of Recommended and...
by EvilSeph at 5:26 PM
(141,987 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.4.5-R0.2) that provides Minecraft 1.4.5 compatibility is now available! Please only use this build if you'd like to help us get a new Recommended Build out and don't mind running a preview build to help us test things. The previous beta is considered broken and will be marked as such on dl.bukkit.org. This beta contains several critical changes and as such updating to this beta is highly recommended.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine. Unless we specifically have to break plugins or the plugins you are using are employing inappropriate practises, most plugins should work without needing an update whenever we put out a new release.

What is a Beta build?
A Beta Build is in between a developer build and a Recommended Build. These builds simply work and are promoted much more frequently than a...
by EvilSeph at 11:33 AM
(26,049 Views / 0 Likes)

Curse has just released an update to their Curse Client that provides Minecrafters with some cool new features to make managing their worlds a breeze, on top of the ease of use and powerful tools it already offers to manage texture packs and browse Minecraft servers.

Check out the video below for a quick breakdown of what you can do with the Curse Client:

New Features:
  • World Saving: Each and every world you've made in Minecraft can be backed up through the Curse Client, with the ability to manage your backups through an easy to use interface. A "More Info" tab provides you with quick access to your health, level, the number of items in your inventory and gives you the ability to copy your world's seed for easy sharing at the click of a button.
  • Quick Saving: Every world that is backed up is then quick saved every few minutes by the Curse Client, with the ability to force...
by EvilSeph at 7:57 PM
(67,954 Views / 0 Likes)
A new CraftBukkit Beta Build (1.4.5-R0.1) that provides Minecraft 1.4.5 compatibility is now available! Please only use this build if you'd like to help us get a new Recommended Build out and don't mind running a preview build to help us test things.

Will plugins break with this build?
Provided the developers of the plugins you are using are keeping up with the development of Bukkit, all your plugins should work fine. Unless we specifically have to break plugins or the plugins you are using are employing inappropriate practises, most plugins should work without needing an update whenever we put out a new release.

What is a Beta build?
A Beta Build is in between a developer build and a Recommended Build. These builds simply work and are promoted much more frequently than a Recommended Build. While we will do some testing before promoting a beta build, we will not be running it through our extensive test process. As such, there are no guarantees that they will not...